Education and Training

Education and Training

Customizable Training

We offer both onsite and web-based training services incorporating detailed reviews of your coders’ and/or providers’ specific audit results. Coding compliance training sessions may incorporate:

  • Coding or audit results

  • OIG high-risk areas

  • Specialty-specific topics

  • General coding topics (teaching physicians, E&M, incident-to, ICD-10, etc.)

Specialty Group Training

Specialty group training sessions are beneficial when trends or high-risk areas are identified within the audit results, or to review specific topics requested, including:

  • Samples of the provider’s documentation OIG high-risk areas

  • Specialty-specific trends

  • General coding topics (teaching physicians, E&M, incident-to, ICD-10, etc.)

General Coding, Billing,

and Support Staff Training

Sessions are offered to the coding, billing and support staff upon request. Audit trends and issues will be reviewed, as well as any coding tips that may pertain to your specific specialties. Options include:

  • Executive team recommendations

  • Hotline coding support

Post-Audit Results Training

We recommend training sessions with each coder/provider to review audit results. These individualized sessions can be held on-site or virtually, and are 100% customizable.

Post-audit results training can also be conducted in a group session format. These sessions can include the overall audit results, top issues and trends, review of coding guidelines, and specific documentation examples from the audit.